When you can visit the Similan Islands is strictly controlled by the Marine National Park and the Royal Thai Navy. The Similan Islands are open from November to April and closed May to October. The actual dates vary slightly year to year. For the 2014-2015 Similan diving season the National Park will open on the 15th October 2014 and will likely close around 15th May 2015.
When you can go to the Similan Islands is essentially controlled by the annual monsoons that govern Thailand’s weather and climate. Khao Lak’s high season and when the national park is open coincides with the north-east monsoon, November to April. The wind blows across Thailand from China, bringing with it cooler and dryer air. Off shore winds make for more perfect Andaman Sea conditions.
From May to October the weather and climate is controlled by the south-west monsoon. South-westerly winds bring hot, humid air from the Indian Ocean which in turn bring clouds, heavy rainfall and can make for unsafe sea conditions. The Similan National Park close the islands for these six months to give the natural resources time for rehabilitation. Visiting the islands during this time is not only highly dangerous, the Royal Thai Navy strictly enforce the closed policy.
The annual monsoons play a large role in determining the conditions at the Similan Islands. There are also other considerations, especially for scuba divers in planning the best time to visit the Similans, including tides and water visibility. Much more information about conditions at the Similan Islands can be found here.
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When you can go to the Similan Islands is essentially controlled by the annual monsoons that govern Thailand’s weather and climate. Khao Lak’s high season and when the national park is open coincides with the north-east monsoon, November to April. The wind blows across Thailand from China, bringing with it cooler and dryer air. Off shore winds make for more perfect Andaman Sea conditions.
From May to October the weather and climate is controlled by the south-west monsoon. South-westerly winds bring hot, humid air from the Indian Ocean which in turn bring clouds, heavy rainfall and can make for unsafe sea conditions. The Similan National Park close the islands for these six months to give the natural resources time for rehabilitation. Visiting the islands during this time is not only highly dangerous, the Royal Thai Navy strictly enforce the closed policy.
The annual monsoons play a large role in determining the conditions at the Similan Islands. There are also other considerations, especially for scuba divers in planning the best time to visit the Similans, including tides and water visibility. Much more information about conditions at the Similan Islands can be found here.