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30 января 2014, 14:23 TVLR прокомментировал запись сообщества Новые страницы мест: все самое важное просто
RuTraveller: Hi,

The problem still remains. Can I ask the reason why Richtis gorge is excluded? I don't mean to be critical, but it does seem very strange and I would like to know why.

Thank you
10 января 2014, 13:20 TVLR прокомментировал запись сообщества Новые страницы мест: все самое важное просто
RuTraveller: Thank you!
08 января 2014, 16:05 TVLR прокомментировал запись сообщества Новые страницы мест: все самое важное просто
Richtis gorge (http://www.rutraveller.ru/place/13885) photos have now completely disappeared from Crete page: http://www.rutraveller.ru/resort/612 (Фото путешественников)

I appreciate that perhaps the gorge was over-represented and that you want to favour diversity, which makes sense. But some of the photos were very popular and now ALL of them disappeared completely from the set. Especially this one was very popular (http://www.rutraveller.ru/photo?id=248341) so perhaps at least one of them should return to the page.

thank you

74 19 ноября 2013, 10:38 TVLR написал в сообщество "Клуб RuTraveller"
мне нравится 7


It seems that most of the users fail to tag their photos to a place. Even professional travel agents upload 100s of photos of a place in a folder called for example "Agios Nikolaos" or whatever but the photos are not tagged. Perhaps an option to do batch tagging could reduce this problem. For exampl...

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18 июля 2013, 15:28 TVLR прокомментировал запись сообщества Ваши идеи и предложения
Elena0604: Elena0604: Thank you! I just want to note that my suggestion is for places not for countries. And that it is not about "acceptable" or "not acceptable" but about traveller preference, some people like very quiet places but some other people like very busy places, all I am saying is have the "traffic" information there for every different month for the people to know:)
17 июля 2013, 16:53 TVLR прокомментировал запись сообщества Ваши идеи и предложения
Sorry about the English but I prefer it rather than using bad automatic translation.
In my experience from here and also from tripadvisor is that for many places the visitor would benefit from knowing when is the best time of the year to visit. Many highly popular touristic places are so busy during August for example (and this usually is not shown on the photos) that some visitors are unhappy with their experience at that particular time. For example, Elafonisi or Vai which are two of the most beautiful beaches in Crete, usually have a few unhappy visitors that ALL of them have visited in June-July or August.

This is my suggestion: Every time someone recommends or writes a review about a place it would be good ask for 2 things before the rating/review
1. Date of visit.
2. How busy it was with a rating from 1(almost completely secluded) to 5(super busy).
From this information you could have a little bar graph next to every place that shows the busiest months and how busy they are. Notice that this is not a "negative" or "positive" rating, it is simply the impression of how busy it is so every visitor can decide for themselves.

With my humble experience I think the users of Rutraveller would benefit from additional very useful information which is in most cases relevant to their visit.
Also, as far as I know you would be the first major travel-related site to incorporate such information in an automated manner, but I've seen other innovative things here so why not this one too? :)

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